International League of Religious Socialists
What is the ILRS?

ILRS At Socialist International Congress in Athens

The ILRS was represented at the recent Congress of the Socialist International in Athens, Greece, where a delegation of President Pär-Axel Sahlberg, Secretary General Andrew Hammer, and Ulf Carmesund (International Secretary of Broderskap) had the opportunity to meet with many of our own fellow religious socialists as well as to make plans for a meeting with a variety of political representatives in Asia in October.

We are currently in the initial planning stages for the 2009 Congress, and will have further news in January of 2009.

In the coming weeks Secretary General Hammer will be travelling throughout Europe in meetings with our member organisations, including the British Labour Party conference in Manchester.

From 2000-2006 the ILRS published a quarterly online journal in English, entitled Faith, which provided analysis and information on political events from a religious socialist perspective, as well as news and developments with the League.

You can review an index of past articles here.

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This site was created and designed by Andrew Hammer
©2008 ILRS

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